Sunday, January 15, 2012

New season

My last time veggies have all withered and died. Harvest of tomatoes and lima beans was senasttional . I had so much, when picking regularly I had to give away since my family was getting sick of eating them. We generally eat a LOT OF TOMATOES!!!Since I harvested tomates I boought them from the market only two times ( After plants have died away , beacuse  i feel my home grown ones were better and I know what goes in there. I know how difficult it was to protect them from infections and bugs organically!!! I am reluctant to buy non organic now I can imagine how much pesticides gets loaded into them. !!! I NEVER THOUGHT THIS MUCH OF HARVEST WAS POSSIBLE ON A ROOFTOP!!! Now , I am about to begin my second season of planting.
 Watering was my other problem and I am going to set up a drip irrigation system to which my 12 old is all out to assit me with it !!!  Idea is  to able to water from ground floor while doing something else.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

plants on the vegi patch

Kankun - flowering

Tomatoes- not yet ripe

Okra - we don't like to eat much



Salad egg plants  - leaves are also yum in this variety

Cauliflower i have only one plant today i planted 5 more 

Onions - favorite patch of my daughter - other leaves were cut These are kept because they like the flowers!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Raja helping me
As you can see this is my first entry in the organic farming blog. hope you 'll enjoy it !!! Some pitcs os trying to set it up !!!:) with my helper Raja :)